Jared Box Project Suggested Toys List
Infant (0 to 12 months)
Softcover books, cardboard books, rattles, bibs, stacking blocks, farm animal sets, small toys that clip on strollers or cribs, crib mirrors, bath toys, stuffed animals, balls, busy boxes, light-up toys, musical toys, Oball toys. Lamaze©, Bright Starts©, and Sassy© brand toys are great. Other toys that are labeled as suggested for infants. Be aware of choking hazards.
Toddler (1 to 3)
Softcover books, cardboard books, stacking blocks, farm animal sets, small toys that clip on strollers or cribs, bath toys, stuffed animals, balls, busy boxes, musical toys, colorful pillowcases, fun socks, chunky crayons, coloring books, picture flashcards, plastic cars and trucks, puppets, soft dolls. Other toys that are labeled as suggested for children under 3. Be aware of choking hazards.
Preschool (3 to 5)
Crayons, coloring books, grab-n-go activity kits, reading books, stickers, sticker workbooks, activity books, matchbox cars, NERF or rubber balls, stuffed animals, flashcards, fun socks, small action figures, small dolls, travel size games, Silly Putty, simple puzzles, card games (Go Fish, Old Maid, Memory), colorful pillowcases, princess crowns, dress up items, farm animal sets, dinosaurs. Other toys that are labeled as suggested for Preschoolers.
Elementary (5 to 8)
Crayons, markers, colored pencils, pens, coloring books, word searches, activity books, reading books, joke books, matchbox cars, NERF balls, stuffed animals, stickers, Silly Putty, LEGO kits, craft kits, Slinky, travel games (Sorry, Connect 4), hand lotion, colorful pillowcases, reusable water bottle, fun socks, action figures, puzzles, deck of cards, UNO card game. Other toys that are labeled as suggested for school-aged children.
Tweens & Teens (8 and up)
Crayons, markers, colored pencils, pens, coloring books, word searches, doodle pads, writing journals, Silly Putty, stuffed animals, card games, LEGO kits, puzzles, brain games, books, magazines, Chapstick©, hand lotion, fun socks, colorful pillowcases, jewelry making kits, craft kits, paint sets, reusable water bottle. Other items that are labeled as suggested for teens.