Hospital Details:

Boston Children's Hospital
300 Longwood Avenue

Boston, Massachusetts 02115


Contact Information: 

Robyn Snyder
Child Life Specialist
617-355-2600 - select option 1 and then enter 555-780-0450 followed by #

Additional Details:

Requested Age Groups
Infant (0-12 months), Toddler (1-3 years), Preschool (3-5 years), Elementary (5-8 years), Tweens and Teens (8 and up)

Maximum Storage Capacity
We have limited storage and can only accept a maximum of 35 boxes at once at this time.

Delivery Instructions
We are unable to accept physical donations between November 15th and January 15th, as we move to a virtual toy drive system for donations during that period. We need the space in our storeroom for holiday gifts that we order for patients.

We prefer donations be shipped. If in-person donations are required, they need to be scheduled ahead of time. We can accept pre-scheduled donations Tuesday through Thursday between 9am-4pm. Please email to schedule donations. Thank you!

Extra Information
We are unable to use bubbles at our institution and therefore request boxes do not contain this item. We are also a latex-free institution so please do not include any items containing latex. Thank you!


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